Considering Why Study Abroad in France? Read on

Europe, of all the continents, is considered to be safe for international students. Precisely, France, is very renowned among international students from America and India. Not only the safety, but the romantic ambience, splendid beauty, delicious food, rich cultural heritage, and its individual politeness; everything separates France from other countries of the world.

study in france

For an international student, France is quiet more than all of this. So, why study abroad in France then? Firstly, studying in France is fascinating because of the added advantage of learning a foreign language! French is considered as a significant language in the Western society. The famous French literary artefacts like the ‘Madame Bovary’ are a god read.

Second of all is the wide variety of courses. Certainly, the investment done in French education yields great benefits. The French people invest a lot in the education sector, and that is realized once the world employers keep French graduates/post-graduates in preference over others.

Third of all, is the great knowledge one gains while studying in French Universities. The city is huge and so is its environment. One gets to interact with French, rather enthusiastic and energetic, people. Also, the city is but, an amalgamation of Middle East, Eastern Europe, Asia and America.

To study abroad in France scholarships are available in almost every university.

The students who are keen to pursue higher education in France, must consult appropriate France education consultants to gain knowledge of and guidance in the admission process. The Chopras, are one of the most prominent ones in India. Visit The Chopras to know about their services.

To know more about study abroad in France scholarship for you here.

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Get Scholarships for studying in Germany

Many national and international universities and faculties offer Federal Republic of Germany scholarships for native and overseas students. Federal Republic of Germany is taken into account one amongst the remunerative countries for education. Finding out in Federal Republic of Germany is sort of affordable and cheap for college students from everywhere the globe. Most universities and technical faculty’s area unit government power-assisted and solely very little price is borne by the scholars. Here is that the compact listing which will offer you the knowledge for the provision of Federal Republic of Germany Scholarships.

There are numerous ways to get scholarships for studying Germany. From taking scholarship exams to hiring or consulting overseas education experts for more knowledge, one can easily apply for them in Germany. The Chopras can help you to understand how to get scholarships to study in Germany. To assist students seeking admissions, The Chopras vary of preparation programmes for school and graduate admissions covers totally different entrance exams likewise as West Germanic proficiency testing. These tests embody GRE®, GMAT®, SAT®, IELTS, PTE and TOEFL®.

Also, The Chopras help the students incapable to generate enough finances to raise education loans through various sources.

To get information visit

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Studying in Canada – Your life-turning move!

A very detailed and analytical survey by United Nations says Canada is the most beautiful place for an international student. It is a destination famous for high quality education, hire rate of life expectancy, low crime rates and enormous universities and colleges.


Apart from this overview, here are very precise reasons why studying in Canada could make you something:

A country so different from United States of America yet offering quality education and degrees equally valuable to that offered in America, Canada, is known for setting its own educational standards in the global education domain.

In Canada, the choices are immense. From small diploma/certificate programs in arts & humanities to thesis in research programmes, Canada is unstoppable when it comes to higher education. Also, the courses offered at undergraduate, graduate and post graduate level doesn’t cost a whooping to international students. To study in Canada on an average would cost you not more than CAN $15,000 which is even low then a Government university in France.

The ever-growing market of Canada includes some of its emerging sectors being transport, aerospace, telecommunications and more. Students planning to study in Canada must look for course in such sectors to increase the chance of high pays in future.

Canada education consultants like The Chopras have a broad base in India with 21 offices in various locations helping students to choose their most suitable career in Canada.

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Overseas Study Loans for Indian Students

The past two decades have seen a huge increase in the number of students taking up higher education opportunities in countries abroad. The number of students taking overseas education in India is also increasing. With this rise, the number of students taking up overseas study loans is also increasing. Getting an education loan for Indian students is always a priority, owing to the general low value of Indian currency as compared to the current of most popular study abroad destination. Students in India are always looking for options and opportunities to reduce the financial burden from their family. Therefore, most students want to know about the requirements for higher education loan for Indian students. So, if you are also thinking about how to get education loan in India, here is simple guide with all the necessary details.

how to get education loan in india

Now-a-days, the market is full of companies and banks offering overseas study loans at reasonable interest rates. The requirements of such educational loans differ from company to company and somewhat also depends on your profile and requirements. Taking a general view in account, the basic criteria to get an education loan is mentioned below. While applying for an education loan in India, student must have a co-applicant. You can enlist either you parent, spouse or even your sibling. In case you are applying for an amount 4 to 8 lacs, you must submit a third party guarantor to get the loan sanctioned. For loan amounts higher than 8 lacs, a collateral is also required by the lender.

Apart from these, the basic requirements for higher education loan for Indian student remains same involving the documentations and interest rate agreements. Most of education loans available in India shares a common repayment policy to suit the requirements of the student. Students are required to start the repayment of the loan after 6 to 12 months of the completion of the course. Also, students must keep in mind that they have signed a co-applicant for the loan. In cases where students settle in abroad after completing their degrees, the lender is allowed to recover the loan amount from the co-applicant.

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